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About Our Digital Collections

Access and explore the history of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and Wisconsin’s Chippewa Valley region through the images, texts, oral history interviews, and other content included in McIntyre Library’s digital collections. We aim to provide access to collections which support teaching, learning, research, and scholarship opportunities for students and scholars at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and beyond.

We are a proud partner of Recollection Wisconsin, bringing together digital cultural heritage resources from Wisconsin’s libraries, archives, museums, and other historical agencies. Through this partnership, Recollection Wisconsin makes our content accessible through the Digital Public Library of America.

If you have any feedback, or would like to propose a new digital collection, please contact us at

Potentially Offensive Content Statement

McIntyre Library’s digital collections provide access to unique archival and special collections which support the UW-Eau Claire community, scholars, and the public. The library’s digital collections advisory council broadly identifies materials selected for inclusion in our digital collections. We value digital access to these unique materials; digital access enhances access and use.

Digitized content, especially that which may be historical in nature, may present imagery, ideas, and values which are no longer (or never were) consistent with the values of McIntyre Library and the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. This may include the metadata generated by us in the creation of these digital assets. Due to program limitations, we do not systematically evaluate or change our digital collections content or metadata.

We welcome your feedback helping us to identify potentially offensive content. This feedback will be discussed by our digital collections advisory council and other parties as necessary. McIntyre Library is committed to providing authentic, open access to our digital collections. We adhere to the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and the Society of American Archivists Core Values Statement and Code of Ethics. Following submitted feedback, McIntyre Library may:

  • Take no action
  • Correct or apply remedial metadata

We do not believe in censoring access to content. Only under rare circumstances, and with the approval of the Director of Libraries, will content be removed from our Digital Collections.

To submit feedback, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

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