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McIntyre Library Services

The following chart displays different possible statuses to be found in the library catalog, as well as their meanings.

Status Listed in Catalog What It Means and What You Can Do
1 Copy Ordered as of mm-dd-yy This new item has been ordered, but not yet received by McIntyre Library.
1 Copy Received as of mm-dd-yy This new item has been received by McIntyre Library and should be available for checkout within a week.
At Bindery - mm-dd-yy This item has been sent to the bindery for repairs. It may be gone for an extended period.
Available This item is available and should be in the stacks.
Checked In - mm-dd-yy This item was recently checked in, but may not be re-shelved yet. Ask at the Circulation Desk for assistance in locating this item.
Checked Out - Due on mm-dd-yy This item is checked out. You may place a hold or a recall on this item or request it through another library.
Discharged - mm-dd-yy This item was recently checked in, but may not be re-shelved yet. Ask at the Circulation Desk for assistance in locating this item.
Lost - mm-dd-yy This item is checked out, but over 50 days overdue. It has been declared 'lost'. Request this item through Universal Borrowing or Interlibrary Loan.
Missing - mm-dd-yy This item has been reported 'missing', and library staff is searching for it.
No information available 1) If there is an entry for Order Information above the status line, refer to the status listed there.
2) Scroll down the catalog record. If you see a Linked Resources section, this is an electronic book or an online resource: click on the link.
3) If neither case is true, please contact a librarian.


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